Week 5 is in the books!
This week was a very productive week. Both our mechanical and software team have been working hard to build the robot. On the mechanical side, we are almost done with all the CADing, and are starting to work on building the robot! We worked on our gripper, which is a fundamental part of our robot design. So far it’s been working smoothly! Also, we assembled our swerve modules and started mounting them. On the software side, we finished coding our swerve drive and are starting other fundamental software things needed!
This weekend, we will have a 48 hour Build-A-Thon!. You catch us live on twitch.tv/frc4322 all weekend long from 9am-9pm. You can donate via Zelle; add payments@frc4322.com as a contact in Zelle to donate! Please join us this weekend for our Build-A-Thon to watch our progress on building our robot! Thank you all for the support! See you there!