We are Clockwork, a FIRST Robotics team, and BSA Venturing Crew 1701, based in Orange, CA, dedicated to educating and inspiring high school students in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM). The importance of our team is ever growing; there is a dramatic need for engineers to lead California, the country, and the world into new technologies and innovations.
FIRST Robotics Competition is an exciting, multinational competition that teams professionals and young people to solve an engineering design problem in an intense and competitive way. It begins in January with six intense weeks of designing, building, and testing our “Champion” robot. The program is a great benefit to both the students and the companies that support these teams. By sponsoring a FIRST team, companies play a large role in increasing the number of students pursuing engineering or technology by exposing them to the excitement of their real world applications. The FIRST program also gives the company an opportunity to increase its community awareness, receive local and national exposure, and give back to its community that has contributed so much to its success.
A small group of students and professional engineers started the Clockwork Oranges in 2011 and have tried to grow as a student run club. We are looking for local sponsors to help with supplies such as fasteners, tools, motors, gears, pneumatic parts, aluminum, and machine parts. We must also pay for the transportation of the team and our robot to the competitions as well as other supplies that help us to be our best. If your business is interested in supporting our team, we would greatly appreciate it.
We are hoping that local businesses recognize the value of inspiring young people to pursue Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math careers, and will contribute what they can to this community project. We aspire to be the City of Orange Robotics Team! Any contributions of money, materials or services will be greatly appreciated and assist the team in reaching its goal. There is no doubt that the community and its businesses will benefit greatly from this potential partnership. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Add payments@frc4322.com as a contact in your Zelle application to donate!
Sponsorship Levels
Grandfather Clock | $5,000+
All of our Grandfather Clock level sponsors receive a team presentation and recognition for their contribution
Astronomical Clock | $2,500 – $4,999
Atomic Clock | $1,000 – $2,499
All of our Atomic Clock and higher tier sponsors will be displayed proudly on our robot
Pendulum clock | $500 – $999
Sundial | $100 – $499
Our Sundial and higher tier sponsors are added to our seasonal sponsor banner displayed at events
Watch | up to $99
All of our sponsors are proudly displayed on our website